Wednesday, 26 February 2020

What is wazifa

The Arabic term wazifa  means  to accomplish a mission with spiritual help, responsibility or daily ration and is commonly used to describe that a Sufi practice of focusing on the attention, by means of recitation or meditation, either on a particular Divine Quality in order to enable that caliber to be expressed more openly and more powerfully in one’s own daily life.So its important to know what is a wazifa before starting it.

This practice could be used to advertise the conscious progress and constant awareness of the Divine Qualities within an individual’s own life as a means of connecting to, and also being a vehicle, that the Divine Presence.

in case a peaceful person enters the room, a person may say, "It is amazing to find a peaceful individual." The dervish, though, would say rather, "Isn’t it wonderful to see Divine Peace coming by means of this person?" What they mean with this is that the human personality has the potential to turn into the vehicle of this Universe’s archetypes. That is the Intent behind the practice of wazā’in Case… to Associate a Particular Grade in oneself to its source.lets continue and see what is a wazifa and its benifits.

A Typical wazifa Training is, for example, to use the Beautiful Names as part of a daily spiritual practice by Selecting a Few the Divine Qualities which Appear to be lacking or out of balance in a Person’s life, and reciting each of the chosen qualities, such as ya-rehman, ya-raheem, 33 or 99 occasions as an invocation, while intensely and firmly imagining and feeling the powerful reflection of those Divine Qualities in one’s own life experience.

How wazifa benefits our lives :

The benefit of reciting these phrases in a language that is foreign to most of us is there is a chance for them to convey higher forms of meaning that lie from scope of our language that is familiar.

If the Divine Quality is invoked in wazifa practice that the prefix ya is commonly employed, which can be interpreted from the English expression "order", indicating that one is predicting, or even invoking, the power and glory of that special feature. For example, reciting ya-nur, as an invocation might be simply interpreted as O Light, but thinking more deeply about the meaning and the aim of the invocation will often awaken a deeper personal significance that may be something such as: O glorious Light of Divine Radiance, I humbly ask You to illuminate the route and show me the best way.

In this practice, thickness is more important than amount. The power of these words arises from the consciousness of one’s objective. Without heart-felt intent and deep longing for achievement, just repetition is meaningless.

Every one of the Names is a fall which has the entire ocean. Insha’allah (God willing) you will see the person who lives in the heart of each name. All of Production is the outward expression of This One Inner Presence.

Penetrate the heart of Only one drop of water, either
And you’ll be flooded by some hundred seas.